Tips to Re-Energize you Aging Trade Show Booth
Trade Show Booth sat unused for up to 2 years while new trends in the industry emerged. So, you need to get a few more uses out if it with awinning trade show boothstrategy in order to justify the capital expenditure before deciding whether to buy or rent next time and re-energies trade show booth.
Let’s face it, any new outfit never looks quite as good when the shoes are past their prime. Same with carpet for your trade show booth. You can simply re-energize your tradeshow booth with new carpet.
In most cases a clean, fresh new carpet will do the trick, but this also allows you to change the color which can also give your aging display a facelift. BTW, carpet should always be ‘rented’ for annual write off reasons unless your bean counters have other plans to the expense deduction.
Graphics are always a good way to re-energize your trade show booth. Fresh visuals that update your company’s image have many trade show benefits. New graphics enhance and update your company’s products and services, plus improves your branding and corporate image.
If your display has one of the various means to apply fabric, for large graphics this is ideal. This is a absolutely a winning trade show strategy and WILL energize your trade show booth. Printable up to 10’ wide fabric can be used in a seamless application in most cases.
The more your trade show booth ages, the more TLC it will need. Face it, as we age, we all do. In order to maximize trade show benefits, you must stand out among your competitors … and not in a bad way either. I recently just had the difficult discussion with a client urging them to cancel their participation in their industry’s biggest trade show. I was convinced that their trade show display would reap zero trade show benefits unless they had a reenergized trade show booth. As a matter of fact, I was convinced they could lose customers, not gain them.
In the end it all worked out OK. We reviewed their properties, decided what was usable and what was not. For the usable elements of the old trade show display we need to some much-needed maintenance to spruce it up a bit. Minor blemishes are OK, but you have to ask yourself; ” Does this take away from my winning trade show strategy?” If the answer is yes, fix it.
Once we had the trade show booth hardware in place, we rounded out the functionality with rental properties from our inventory. At this point we brough in the designer to do the CAD models so the client could have their creative team create the graphics package. Lastly, once the color rendering was complete with the new graphic package included in the drawings, all we need to determine was carpet color and Voila! We had their winning trade show booth strategy
Lighting is important and significantly improved since LED lights arrived on the scene. LED lights are a relatively inexpensive and your trade show booth benefits from the added lumens, using less power while illuminating your brand-new graphics. This is definitely a winning trade show booth strategy and the client literally has a re-energized trade show booth! And the great thing is, LED lights don’t draw a lot of power, so you won’t break the bank with on-site electrical costs!
Media is a great way to get a lot of information out to your prospective clients, quickly and from a compact space. But you need to have a media trade show booth strategy. Who is your media targeting? Prospective clients? Existing clients? Are you trying to draw people to your winning trade show booth strategy or are you sharing the media message with prospective clients once they enter your trade show booth space and engage with yourteam?
Both strategies have trade show benefits, you just need to be sure you have the right media and the right monitor for the applications you choose.
In the end, if circumstances require you to re-energize your trade show booth, you need to keep in mind that this is the crown jewel of this marketing event and must be treated as such. So, make sure you take the following steps:
- Assess the current condition of your trade show booth
- Know the potential ROI (Return on Investment) of this event
- Establish a budget to re-energize your you trade show booth.
- Prioritize what needs to completed in order to develop a winning trade show booth strategy.
- Execute your plan
- Have a successful show
Good luck at your next event!